Mission: Impossible

The slightest increase in weight
will trigger the alarm.

If any one of these systems is set off,
it will activate an automatic lock-down.

Believe me when I tell you,
all three systems are state of the art.

And you really think we can do this?
We're going to do it.
Alarms in sectors 3, 7 and 12.
- What sector's the air conditioning?
- 21. But there's no alarm in 21.

No one goes into any sector where the
alarm hasn't gone off, and it hasn't...

- It's gone off. Let's go.
- Let's move.

- Can I get you anything?
- No, thank you.

21's through here.
- He's recruiting. For what purpose?
- Survival.

Too short-sighted. This guy initiates.
The question is, what does he want?
