
I feel guilty for not spending
enough time with my family.

Then I get resentful because I
don't have enough time for myself.

Work is first, my family is a close
second and I'm a distant third.

- Is that crazy?
- I'm not a psychiatrist.

And you don't need one. Real
problems require real solutions.

- Well, then... What do you do?
- I told you. I make miracles.

I create time.
I make clones.
Doug, sit down.
I'm a geneticist. 15 years ago
I started cloning viruses.

And then, ten years ago,
I cloned an earthworm.

- God bless you, sir.
- And then... a chimp.

And last year...
Last year...
- Hi there.
- Just in time.

- Doug is doing our new offices.
- I know Doug.

He and I went over the plans
one day. You were sailing.

Wait a minute.
- You understand my suggestion?
- Sure. What's not to understand?
