- Get them!
- Yeah!
l found the bullets, see? Here they are,
Open up in there,
We want the map and we'll
skewer anybody who gets in the way,
Quick, Jim, The back stairs,
Come on!
Run! Run!
Get out of my inn,
you tattooed miseries,
Can't a woman get a night's sleep alone?
You come here,
This gun is useless,
You lost all the bullets,
You're losing the powder,
The map,
Tell us where it is or die,
- (dog pirate) Get them!
- (Rizzo) Run!
- (pirate) Hurry! Hurry!
- Argh!
(Gonzo) Keep moving! Hurry!
(Gonzo) Out of the way!
Oh, woof,
- (explosion)
- (Gonzo) Argh! Geronimo!
What an exit,
Right through a wall,
- l'm in such pain,
- Come on!
l think l smell something burning, no?
(Gonzo) What are we gonna do?
We can't go home, so,,,
- Ooh,
- Oh, no, Uh-uh,
You're not taking me on some crazy
treasure hunt, l am staying here,
Good idea, Then you can see what
half-burned pirates look like,