We wish to speak with Squire Trelawney,
We need a ship,
Sorry, The squire's in Long Neddry
for the grouse season,
He will return on the Feast of St, Lulu,
Thank you,
Of course, his rich half-wit son,
young Squire Trelawney's here,
We'll see him, then,
Gentlemen, this is definitely
a genuine, bona fide treasure map,
- Oh!
- Really?
Oh, yes,
Mr, Bimbo told me so,
Mr, Bimbo lives in my finger,
He's very smart,
He's been to the moon,
Thank you, Twice,
- l smell a bozo,
- Mm-hm,
- (bang)
- (squeal)
- Well done, Beakie,
- (meeping)
Now we know
that is too much gunpowder,
Beaker, stop fooling around,
We've got company,
Everyone, this is Dr, Livesey
and his assistant, Beaker,
They do research and development,
- Hello,
- Mee-oh,
We hoped to meet with your father,
We need a ship for an ocean voyage,
Ocean? Ocean? Ocean?
You know, the ocean -
the big, blue, wet thing,
Oh! The big, blue, wet thing,
l know what's happening,
You are planning to sail to this island
to dig up this treasure,
Yes, but there are
pirates looking for this map,
And they want to kill us for it,
lsn't that exciting?
Pirates, eh?
Well, that settles it,
We'll use one of my daddy's boats
and l will finance the voyage myself,
- You'll do that?
- Certainly,
What are rich half-wit sons for?