- What do you mean? Pirates?
- Shh!
Pirates? That's rich,
What an imagination, Give me a cracker,
Allow me to introduce
my pet lobster, Polly,
Pieces of eight!
l raised him from a fingerling, As fine
a crustacean as a man could ask for,
l thought sailors
had talking parrots,
Talking parrots?
What an imagination,
First pirates, now talking parrots,
What's next? A singing, dancing mouse
with his own amusement park?
That's enough, Polly,
- Argh!
- (crash)
l'm gonna give you
a cook's tour of this fine ship,
lf you're gonna be the cook on this ship,
l am gonna need bigger pants,
What's the matter, lads?
Oh, that?
Lost that timber fighting brigands
off Madagascar under Admiral Hawke,
There's many a man lost a leg and worse
in the service of the king,
Why, look what a cannibal took off me
in exchange for me own life,
You're a fine pair of lads,
- Bright as buttons,
- (bell rings)
- (man) All hands on deck!
- Come on,
Chop-chop, Look lively,
The captain will be here soon,
- Who's that?
- Mr, Arrow, the first mate,
A capital fellow,
The captain approaches,
Move aside, Make ready for the captain!
Lallygaggers will suffer his wrath,