- ls this captain bad-tempered?
- ls he bad-tempered?
The man is a raging volcano, Tormented
by inner demons mortals cannot fathom,
He's got demons? Cool,
Heigh ho, everyone,
That's the raging volcano?
- He's a frog!
- Maybe he gets hopping mad,
- Hopping mad!
- (laughter)
Piping aboard
Captain Abraham Smollett,
Good day, Mr, Arrow,
l knew it, He's furious,
- You there,
- Me?
You were in charge of railing dust,
30 lashes, then walk the plank,
- l didn't say that,
- l was anticipating your whim,
- You must be the cabin boys,
- Yes, sir,
- Which one of you is Hawkins?
- l am,
l knew your father,
He was a good man,
- Thank you, sir,
- Well,,,
This is shaping up
to be a fine voyage, lads,
Oh, yes, indeed,
(laughs nervously)
One leg, Jim, One,
Remember what Billy Bones said,