Muppet Treasure Island

No, l've got the madness,
l got cabin fever!
l've got it too!
(both) Cabin fever!
* l've got cabin fever,
it's burning in my brain

* l've got the cabin fever,
it's driving me insane

* We got cabin fever,
we're flipping our bandanas

* Been stuck at sea so long
that we have simply gone bananas

* Chica chica boom boom,
chica chica boom boom, chic

* Chica chica boom boom,
chica chica boom boom, chic

* We,,, we,,, we got cabin fever,
we lost what sense we had

* We got cabin fever,
we're all going mad

* Grab your partner by the ears,
lash him to the wheel

* Do-si-do, step on his toe,
listen to him squeal

* Allemande left, allemande right,
it's time to sail or sink

* Swing your partner over the side,
drop him in the drink

- * We've got cabin fever
- * No ifs, ands or buts

- * We're disoriented
- * And demented

* And a little nuts
* Ach, du liebe Volkswagen car
* Sauerbraten, Wiener Schnitzel
und wunderbar

* We were sailing, sailing,
the wind was on our side

* Und then it died
* l've got cabin fever,
l think l lost my grip

* l'd like to get my hands
on whoever wrote this script

* l
* Was floating neath the tropic moon
* And dreaming of a blue lagoon
* Now l'm as crazy as a loon

* Cabin fever has ravaged all aboard
* This once proud vessel
has become a floating psycho ward

* We were sailing, sailing,
heading who knows where

* And now though we're all here
