l says let the captain
steer us closer to the island,
l have the treasure map,
When the time is ripe, well kill 'em all,
- (Polly) That's what l said,
- (Monty) We'll kill them all!
(man) Land ho!
- Come on, lads, Let's go!
- (Polly) Land ho!
- My goodness,
- (Rizzo whimpers)
(Statler) Land ho!
- Beachfront properties!
- Retirement estates!
Throw the mainsail!
Drop anchor!
Hard of starboard,
Prepare to lower the longboats,
(man) Bring those barrels over here,
Give a hand with the longboats,
- l must speak with you,
- l'm busy,
But Long John is planning a mutiny,
And he's got the map,
l see,
- Mr, Silver,
- Aye aye, Captain,
Take the crew ashore, We need water
and provisions, Take as long as you want,
Sir! 'Tis a task to my liking,
that it is,
Gather the officers
and meet me in my quarters, Quickly,
This is lucky,
Captain letting us go ashore,
Us with the map, lt's like giving
the treasure to us on a silver platter,
Aye, that it is, Polly,
Never trust a silver platter,
Beaker, come on,
Jim, lad,
There's room in the boat for one more,
Come along,
- The captain wants me,
- What a shame,
l'll miss you, lad, that l will, Uh,,,
Jim, l seem to have left my crutch on
board, Hand it to me like a good lad,