Say no and l will be forced
to terminate our relationship,
- You're nothing but murdering pirates,
- Pirates?
Oh, Jim,
lf that's what you're thinking,
you're dead wrong,
* When l was just a lad
looking for my true vocation
* My father said, ''Now, son,
this choice deserves deliberation''
* ''Though you could be a doctor,
or perhaps a financier''
* ''My boy, why not consider
a more challenging career?''
* ''Heigh ho ho,
you'll cruise the foreign shores''
* ''And you'll keep your mind and body
sound by working out of doors''
* True friendship and adventure
are what we can't live without
- * And when you're a professional pirate
- * That's what the job's about
Upstage, lads!
This is my only number,
* Now, take Sir Francis Drake
* The Spanish all despise him
* But to the British he's a hero
* And they idolize him
* lt's how you look at buccaneers
that makes them bad or good
* And l see us as members
of a noble brotherhood
- * Heigh ho ho, we're honorable men
- Oh, l love it,
* And before we lose our tempers,
we will always count to ten
* On occasion, there may be someone
you have to execute
* But when you're a professional pirate
* You don't have to wear a suit
* l could have been a surgeon,
l like taking things apart
* l could have been a lawyer,
but l just had too much heart
* l could have been in politics
* 'Cause l've always been a big spender
(as Marlon Brando)
* And me, l could have been a contender