Norma Jean?. Norma Jean?.
Look at me for a second.
Your mama's sick, honey.
She's going to have to stay
in the hospital a little while.
So how's about you come
and live with Doc and me?.
Juust till she's better.
Why can't I go live with my daddy?.
Do you know about your daddy,
Norma Jean?.
Uh-huh. I have his picture.
His name's Stanely.
Stanely Gifford, and he lives in dairy.
Ma says
he's just about the handsomest man
she's ever seen in her life.
Ma says if you squint your eyes,
you'd swear he was Clark Gable.
And you know that your daddy's very,
very busy right now, don't you?.
Why doesn't he every come to see me?.
He would't have to bring me candy
or toys or anything.
Just come say hello.
Come on now, little lady.
We're gonna have a good ol' time.
Just you and me and Gracie.
Come on. Up!
What do you say
we go pick up your things?.
And then,
what does Harlow say to Ben Lyon?.
She says,
"I wanna be free, be gay, have fun!
Life's short,
but I want to live when I'm alive."
And "Dinner at Eight."
What does she say in "Dinner at Eight?. "
Um, to Marie Dresser?.
Dress -- ler.
She says, "Do you know
machinery's going to take the place
of every profession?. "
And then, what does Marie Dressler say?.
"Oh, my dear, that is something
you need never worry about. "
Oh, that is so good. That is perfect!
Just perfect!