You know,
I've mae up hundreds of actresses
but I've never experienced
a metamorphosis quite like yours.
I gotta tell you,
I get goose bumps every time.
Go get 'em, kid.
in just a few moments Miss Baxter
will be available
for photo-graphs outside the...
Hey, what's the name
of the chest that just walked in?.
Now, listen to me, Darryl.
I want you to consider using her
for "Blondes." I hear she sings.
Sings?. She barely speaks.
No, we've decided to go
with an established musical performer.
What?. Opposite Jane Russel?.
She ain't exactly Ethel Merman, y'know.
this girl's talent is...slight.
Then how come she gets four thousand
fan letters a week?.
That's more than Darnell
and Hayward together.
How come she's on the screen
for two minutes,
the audience stages a riot
in te theatre?.
And how come we put on
a test screening of "All About Eve,"
she doesn't even get a screen credit --
we get three hundred comment cards back
one hundred and fifty of
them wanted to know who is the blonde
with George Sanders.
Tell me, how come?.
Sweetheart?. Darling?.
Sweetheart, over here.
No, no. Over here. Come sit next to me.
Don't do this.
Take a walk, kid. Amscray!
Yes, sir. Right away.
Oh, you look magnificent this evening.
Thank you.