Norma Jean & Marilyn

I'm afraid I don't know
very much about baseball.

Well, you wear baggy pants,
chew tobacco and hit a ball
with a stick, okay?.

Marry me.
I'll teach you all about it.
You just met her three minutes ago,
you moron.

Why, Mr. DiMaggio,
I've only just met you.

Well, in that case,
have dinner with me tomorrow night.

Well, why don't we start
with dinner tonight, Joe?.

Surely you cannot be serious
about this person.

I am certain he has never read a book
in his entire life!

Joe is very sweet, Natasha.
He makes me feel safe.
He takes care of me.
And he's very good with his hands.
I take care of you!
Natasha...sometimes you sound just like
a jealous boyfriend.

Mrs. DiMaggio, where will you live?.
Anywhere my husband wants.
Marriage is my main career now.
Ohh-ho-ho. Are you planning a family?.
Of course. Manhood means many things
but womenhood means only one.

I'd love to have six children,
God willing.

I won't let you ruin us, Marilyn!
You can't do this!

Will you keep house for your husband?.
She's a movie star!
I'm looking forward to it.
I'm learning how to cook all of
Joe's favorite foods,

Iike steak and lasagna. Right?.
No! No! No! No! No! Noooo!
Well, I can see
you have a real aptitude for this.
