One Fine Day

Healthy children can give you
strep throat from other kids...

...without your even going near them.
My sister sets up a kids' table
in the next room, and I still get strep throat.

We're going to go find his mother, sir.
She must work in the law offices
across the hall.

I'm sure she does.
Excuse me.
- Hello?
- You asshole!

- What?
- Get over here.

The mayor's called
a press conference at five o'clock.

While you were talkin' about pink panties,
your story was turning to shit!

You know, Miss Parker...
...I don't need to remind you what the Yates
account would be worth to this firm.

- And, by extension, to you.
- No, sir.

Do you know what I think of
when I look at him?

- No.
- A carrier monkey.

He's not a carrier monkey, sir.
He looks like a healthy little...

I'll go find his mother.
Oh my God. What am I gonna do?
I'm really sorry, Mommy.
It's OK, sweetie. It's really not your fault.
It's Maggie's daddy's fault.
Slow down. Ow, ow, ow.
- This isn't a very good breakfast, Daddy.
- That's an advantage of being an adult.

You get to act like a kid
any time you feel like it.

Mommy wouldn't let me eat this breakfast.
You see what I mean?
- Hello.
- Who's that?

- Who's this?
- Who's this?

- Who's this?
- Who's this?

What are you doing
with my daughter's phone?

Damn. We must've switched. I'm Jack Taylor.
Our kids are in school together.

- "You Don't Know Jack" Taylor?
- That's me.

Oh my God! You're so adorable.
- I love your column.
- Oh, thanks.

- Are you married?
- I'm divorced, um... What's your name?

- Rita.
- Rita.

Listen, Jack. I've got to go get exfoliated.
