One Fine Day

Where would he sleep?
You know that room with all the boxes in it?
We could clear it out. He could sleep there.

- That's a good idea.
- Yeah.

Of course you're gonna have to come over
and visit every once in a while to check up.

Make sure I'm feedin' him and everything.
- I will.
- Yeah?

Come here.
You know, maybe what we oughta do...
:15:34 put a bed in that room for you too.
- Cos he might get lonely.
- Yeah.

But he's not gonna get lonely with you there.
Let me take a look at this guy.
So this is gonna be our cat, huh?
- Bob.
- Hey, Bob.

Now can we get outta here already?
Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor!
Mr. Burroughs?
Do you plan to sue
Jack Taylor and the Daily News...

...for the apparently false, unsubstantiated
charges they've made against you?

Hey, that's not a bad idea!
- Hey, Dad. That guy's on the bus too.
- Hurry, please.

- His picture's bigger than yours.
- You speak English?

Last question, please.
Excuse me! Excuse me.
Last question, please.
- Mom, you're not a reporter.
- I gotta do something.

- Mr. Mayor!
- Mr. Mayor!

- What are you gonna say?
- I don't know.

- Mr. Mayor!
- Uh, yes?

- You, on the right.
- I... uh...

- What about Elaine...
- Lieberman.

- Lieberman!
- What about her?

She's my sanitation commissioner's wife.
She has nothing to do with this.
