One Fine Day

Springsteen? Wow.
You know, um... I'm beatin' around the bush
here and there's something I gotta ask you.

Why did you spend all day flirting with me if
you meant to get back with your ex-husband?

I spent the whole day disliking you intensely.
You were flirting with me. You even
told the kids you wanted to ask me out.

- I never told them that.
- Yes, you did. That was your big secret.

They told me. It was all about you and me
and going somewhere and feelings.

You were going to ask me out.
The big secret was that Sammy
got my marble stuck up his nose.

And I never once even thought
about asking you out.

- I'm so sure.
- I don't know why I would even want to.

You said I was the most beautiful woman
you'd ever seen.

- That was a line.
- That was not a line, Jack, and you know it.

You wanted me ever since
I knew you were a writer...

You wanted me ever since the drop-in centre
when you saw me put my watch on Maggie.

For someone so disinterested
in the other person...

:41:07 sure do remember every detail.
- You remember better than I do.

- I do not.
- Yes, you do.

- What would you do if I kissed you?
- You wouldn't.

What would you do if I did?
- Do you wanna kiss me?
- I wouldn't have mentioned it if I didn't.

You're just... reelin' me in, aren't you?
You're like Roy Scheider at the end of Jaws.
The minute I open my mouth,
you're gonna drop a big bomb in there.

Then you'll wear my teeth around your neck.
So you're admitting you're a big shark?
I am admitting that I am...
