[ Zapping ]
Anybody see that?
There was th-that light?
- What kind of light?
- Y-You know, there was a noise.
- D-Did you hear it?
- No.
[ Doc ] Could we finish
the game, George?
Man. I-I-It was like-- like--
like an explosion.
- A-A-And-- And it was a flash--
- Like a plane?
- A-A-And-- And it was a flash--
- Like a plane?
No. It was bigger than that.
I-I-It was farther away.
Oh, you mean
like a star, George?
Man, it knocked me
off my feet.
- [ Doc ] You fell?
- Yeah, I fell! I was hit right--
- [ Laughing ] The man's inebriated.
- I warned you.
- I'm not drunk, Nate.
- I'm takin' your queen,
George. Now pay attention.
Isn't that checkmate?
That's checkmate, isn't it?
You mean he beat you?
- You let him win, Doc?
Birthday present?
- I-I didn't let him win anything.
You're a little pissed off
about that, aren't you?
- Play another one?
- You can get your revenge
on me tomorrow, all right?
- You feeling okay?
- Yep.
- Can you drive, George?
- Yeah. I'm all right.
Hey. Thanks, everybody.
- Happy birthday, buddy.
- Happy birthday, George.
That was a good party.
[ George ]
Duermes. Tu duermes.