I concentrate. And, uh--
And books. I can't
stop feeding myself.
I-I read two-- two,
three books a day. Imagine that.
And-- And-- You know, I can't stop,
and I-I-I can't sleep.
You know, ever since the, uh--
I-I-I gotta go.
Get back to work.
[ Jimmy, Roger ]
Ever since... the sighting.
[ Laughs ]
Roger, it was a damn light!
- And a boom.
- Now, did you hear it?
Well, no.
About nine days ago,
right outside here?
Was that 12:00, George?
George, come in
for a physical. Okay?
- Two or three books a day?
- At least.
- About what?
- About everything.
You know, all the things
I've wanted to know about and learn.
Like what?
[ Chuckles ]
Well, you tell me, Rog.
I mean, what have you always
wanted to know about and learn?
Think about it.
I'm waiting for ignition
I'm looking for a spark
Any chance collision
and I light up in the dark
Such a nice emotion
Do not know where it goes
I'm equipped for movement
And I have the touch
Any social occasion
it's 'Hello, how do you do'
All those introductions
I never miss my cue
So before a question
So before a doubt