My hand moves out and
- I have the touch
- [ Barks ]
Only, only
Wanting contact
With you
Shake those hands
Shake those hands
Shake hands
- [ Laughs ]
- [ Doc Reading Aloud ]
- Shake hands
I have the touch
[ Nate ] CQ, this is WB6QLF,
standing by.
Searcher out of Harmon, California.
Is anybody in the void tonight?
I'm lookin' for Diana Ross,
- but I'll accept any voice
in the English tongue.
- [ Crash ]
- [ George Muttering ]
- Is that you, Diana?
- Hey, George.
- Now, look, Nate.
You haven't sat 'til you've
put your ass on one of these
homemade willow chairs. Okay?
Now, I brought you a pair
so you can put your feet up,
or if you, uh, want a friend
to sit in there, if you decide
one day and invite someone over.
What do you think?
I don't think they go, George.
Oh, what would you know?
Looks like a swap meet blew in here.
Talk about needin' a woman's touch.
This is an emergency.
Hey, Nate. I've been workin'
on that solar kit you gave me.
I am telling you, the whole
field of photovoltaics is--
is just in baby land!
I mean-- You know--
The-- The idea that plants
have been storing and--
and using the sun's energy
since the birth of the world!
I mean, photosynthesis is--
is a model for us, and we're
just scratching the surface...
of what we could do
with these silicon cells.
I'm telling you.
[ Sighs ] What?
You just talk so fast, George.
And-- And you know so much stuff.
I'm sorry. But--
I can't help it, Nate.