
We'll get used to 'em.
If you leave them alone,
they'll leave you alone.

It's a good arrangement.
- What are we reading?
- This.

What is this?
Where did you get this?

- From me.
- Oh, this is not
a good choice for bedtime.

- Are you still mad at him?
- [ Sighs ] What's the difference?

He's neat, and they say he saved
that boy's life at the orchard.

- He's funny.
- We are funny enough.
We laugh all the time.

[ Groans ]
Look, we're reading Black Beauty,
and we are not talking about men.

I've got enough to worry about.
Too much.

- [ Al ] What?
- Well, you guys, for one.

We're not little anymore.
I know you're not little
anymore, sweetie. But you think
that George Malley is safe,

and you're afraid of coyotes.
You've got it all backwards.
Here. Find our place.

Go brush your teeth.
I'll be right back. Don't
you have a report to do?

Did it.
Ohh. [ Muttering ]
'They're everywhere.'

Oh, Al! Do you
really believe this?

Yeah. There's been a lot
of UFO people coming into town...

since George saw...
what he saw.

The word's spreading, Ma.
You just believe what you want
to believe. Most people do.

- [ Coyote Howling ]
- You get over it.

Hey, I thought we were
getting ready for bed.

[ Sighs ]
- Stop talking about him, all right?
- Why do you hate him?

- [ Exhales ] Because I like him.
- Told you.

[ Mimicking Glory ]
Told you.

But if he was sitting
here with us right now,
wouldn't you be watching him?

Wondering what's he thinking?
When's he gonna leave?
Is he gonna leave? Hmm?
- We don't need that.
- [ Coyote Howls ]
