It's forbidden to
cross the wall.
Don't you understand?
And I saw an angel standing
in the sun;
and he cried with a loud voice,
saying to all the fowls in heaven,
Come gather unto the
supper of the great God.
That ye may eat the flesh of kings,
captains and mighty men,
...the flesh of horses, those
atop them, and the flesh of all men
both free and bond,
both great and small.
See, I told you!
You're not allowed to.
Not allowed to what?
You went to the
punishment cell.
It's no big deal.
You're just acting tough.
Does it frighten you?
What's so funny, Tsumuji?
The world is coming
to an end.
That's bullshit!
He's right, it's all crap!
It's true,
It's all written here.
- What's that?
- The Word of God.
- What?
- The Word of God.
There is no god.
Yes there is.
But your god is a fake.
Your parents are god, huh?
Why can't they be god?