But I can see them.
I don't know how to tell you.
Flying mice...
No, that's enough.
No more flying mice.
Maybe one day
I'll be able to teach others to fly.
She won't come back, Ponette.
Let's go inside now.
I don't want to.
It's my turn to decide tonight.
It's Jesus who decides what I do.
I take care of you.
Jesus is relying on me to do that.
Let's go.
Tomorrow my mommy and I are leaving
and we're never coming back.
She didn't come because you all
ganged up on her, not me.
They don't want her to come back.
I do. I love your mommy.
You never told her.
I can't tell her.
You can too.
She can hear you.
How do I do it?