I'll take you along.
Don't make any noise.
Jesus is in jail.
He was put in jail by evil witches.
They better not find us!
Hurry, let's hide!
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Is this your hiding place?
- Yes.
This is no hiding place.
Everyone can see you.
Anyway, mommy's still asleep.
We have to sing her a song
to wake her up.
I don't know any songs.
This is dumb!
Dead people can't wake up.
You're bothering her.
She doesn't want to see you.
She won't come!
We can't stay here.
She doesn't like it here.
It's too close.
Mommy will be happy to see you.
But you have to be nice,
or else she won't come.
If you're not nice,
she won't come.
We have to find presents for her.