- Hey, Frankie... Hi, Frankie.
- I got 59 you can have.
- How are you?
- I got 59, you can have it.
Frank, you owe me 230,000.
That is what you owe me.
Say it.
I just need two days.
- What?
- Two days, then it's yours.
Then one day,
just give me one day.
Okay, you have
a little car outside, yeah?
Give me the key, and we can say...
60,000. That's okay, right?
Put the key here.
How much should we say?
500? Is that okay? 500, yeah?
Okay, that's 500.
You have something here...?
That's 500, too, yeah?
- We're moving now, Frankie.
- I got 700 here.