Even a dwarf like you
dares outdo me.
We've f ound it, Sire.
We need a man
with yang energy's hair.
It can restore circulation.
- We will seek such a man at once.
- Cut the crap!
No, not a hair on your head
may be harmed.
Your Ma jesty.
Word from General Wang Jian.
He is too sick
f or the strategy meeting.
You're tired too.
Shall we postpone?
We will proceed as planned.
Winning Qi is our final task.
No delay.
I have an order!
Send ten doctors
to see Wang Jian.
If he's breathing,
he'll be here.
He's alive! Jianli's alive!
So, your hair
got his circulation going.
You've had a nice long nap
f or five days.
Y ueyang's been by your side
all along.
Wasn't I perf orming f or you
just now?
The river mists have lifted.
My spirit has been released.