The scripts
of the other kingdoms...
including soon-to-be-won Qi...
will be replaced
by those of Qin.
Then I will write
my first edict.
This will be to make Gao
court composer.
That position is responsible
f or rites.
Only royalty
has had the job bef ore.
A branded man
cannot do this job.
What battles has he won
to merit this?
A biting madman...
whose jumbled tunes
jangle the senses.
Who else f eels this way?
We all do.
Zhao Gao,
what about you?
I think he's fine
f or the anthem...
but as f or becoming
court composer --
I see you're opposed, too.
Wang Jian,
what do you think?
I'm sick. I've got one f oot
in the grave.
I dare not meddle
in the affairs of state.
Li Si, you're my sole supporter.
I'm still unclear
when you're kidding.
One more time:
The king never jokes.
Then send Gao to sea
to f eed the fish.
- Meng Yi.
- Y es, Sire.
I sent you to register
households in Wei...
but you brought back
ten concubines.
Your wif e is distraught.
Is that proper?
- Feng Jie.
- Y es, Sire.
Your skill with the dice
is legendary.
You gamble and use winnings
f or usury.