All right. Take 600 rupees.
All right. Tell me.
How much will you charge?
500 rupees will be enough.
- What?
- Yes.
500 rupees is enough. As it is,
our taxi belongs to Palankhet.
How amazing! When l asked
you, you refused.
But when Madam asked,
you agreed. Why so?
That's my look-out!
- Fetch Madam's luggage.
- Yes, Boss.
Please come, Madam. Be seated.
- Hey! Where are you going?
- To sit with Madam.
No way. Madam will make herself
comfortable in the rear seat!
- Come on. Let's sit in the front.
- No, not in the front.
My cleaner, Rajnikant,
sits up front with me.
As it is, while driving, sometimes
l shake my hands and legs.
- Then where will we sit?
- Yes... where will they sit?
Don't be worried. Ive a special
air-conditioned place for them.
- Where's that?
- Above.
Looks like he's
going to kill us!
Hold tightly! l think that
this man is crazy
What're you doing?
Look ahead, Boss! Or you
might cause an accident.
Shut up!
- Excuse me...
- Yes, Madam?
How far is Palankhet from here?
28 hours in a bullock cart.
5 hours in a ramshackle bus.
And 3 hours flat in
Raja Hindustani's taxi.