Now, we are going to get
into all of this in time,
but for now, just hang loose.
- Just sit tight so we can get a plan--
- Hang loose? Hang loose?
Sit tight? Which one?
Tom, just let him finish.
- No, it´s okay. lt´s okay.
No, look, look.
- I´m sorry.
lf this were my child,
l´d be the same way. Believe me.
lt´s not a problem at all.
All right, kid, I know
this is hard on you, all right?
But you gotta hang in there.
- How many kidnappings
have you worked before?
- All together, 33.
Uh, now you take away the custodial,
gang, drug-related, l´ve worked ten.
Now, that´s ten traditional,
ransom-oriented abductions
in the last five years.
Now, that´s a lot. Believe it or not,
this kind of thing is kind of rare.
Well, um, out of the ten,
how many did you get back?
Got back seven.
Well, the others.
What, um, went wrong?
Oh, life.
What we call the "X" factor.
What´s the "X" factor?
What is that?
- Are we set?
- No!
Shit, Jack!
Any demands that come up,
now, you just agree.
Let him know he´s in charge. Your only
priority is getting your boy back.
Get your boy back.
You follow me?
Now, you´ve got to give us
some time, Mr Mullen.
You ask to speak to your son.
Ask for some sign that he´s alive.
Any information you can get.
Then tell him he has an allergy,
he has, uh, some medical condition.
You want to know what kind of weather
is he in. ls he indoors? ls he outdoors?
- Are we set?
- Go!
- Get your boy back.
- Okay.
Cancel it.
We got it. Brenda Chance,
4108 Utopia Parkway.