That´s his secretary.
Yeah, we know.
ls our son dead?
Don´t ever think that.
Open your mouth.
lt´s all right. lt´s food.
So, why can´t you starve
in the desert?
´Cause of all
the sandwiches there.
What are you doin´?
What the--
- Voters on Manhattan´s East Side...
- What are you thinkin´?
- will be headed to the polls tomorrow--
- What the hell is going on?
I was tellin´ the kid a joke.
What´s the big deal?
You like this kid? You wanna get to know
him? Get a little relationship goin´?
You think that´s gonna make
things easier or harder?
- Make what easier, Maris?
- ls he for real?
- Yeah, I´m for real, bitch.
Are you for real?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa! Whoa. Why don´t you
just back off, all right?
You step up,
and l´ll back off.
Come here.
Listen to me. Look.
With the candy bars and shit--
lt´s just that you might be makin´ beds
in a burnin´ house.
You understand what I´m sayin´?
Yeah, but, Clark, man,
the kid´s in a cocoon.
And he can´t lD anybody.