of that money,
l´ll gut this kid like a fish.
ls there anything else
we can use?
Uh, give me Mr Wallace.
I´m going alone.
ls that understood?
No helicopters, no wires.
Just me.
- You got the phone?
- Yeah, I got the phone.
You gonna be all right?
- Yeah, I´m gonna be all right.
- Okay.
Hey, hey, here he comes.
Come on. Let´s go. Let´s go, let´s go.
Mr Mullen! Mr Mullen!
- Mullen!
- Mr Mullen!
- Mr Mullen!
Mr Mullen-- lt´s not Mullen.
Let´s go. That´s him.
- Hey, John, keep shooting.
- Man, this is fucking great.