Oh, Jesus! Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh, God!
l´ll fuckin´ kill you, Mullen!
You son of a bitch! You killed him,
you son of a bitch! Goddam it!
- Whoa, whoa.
- Oh, God. Oh, God.
- Come on. Easy. Come on.
- Kate!
- Both of you listen to me!
- You killed him! Not them! You!
No, Kate! Kate.
Okay, it´s all right.
- Take her in the other room.
- Oh, God! Oh, God!
- Oh, God. I wanted to talk to him.
- I know.
- I wanted to talk to him.
- You´ll talk to him, honey.
You will. You will.
- What do we do about this kid?
- Ain´t my problem any more.
Can´t lD anybody, right? Fuck ´im.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, please, help me. Please.
Okay, Katie, all right.
lt´s okay. lt´s okay.
Oh, God. Oh, no.