Uh, you know, I just, uh,
got spun around by the bullet.
I didn´t know
it was a woman ´til after.
He´s a, an honest cop.
He does a hell of a job.
- He´s kind of a to-himself
type of a guy.
- No, just one.
- But I tell you what,
when the chips are down...
- Cancel the other one.
this is the one
l´d want with me.
- How do I feel?
- No.
- l´ll tell ya, this is
the second time...
- Jimmy Shaker´s been shot.
- Just one-way.
He got clipped once before in 1992,
and this guy keeps coming back.
Yeah. Uh, Mr Kinney.
Yeah. Thanks.
Continuing our coverage
of the Mullen kidnapping case...
questions still surround
Maris Conner.
With no prior criminal record,
authorities are interrogating
family and friends...
seeking any associations that would
connect her to the other slain suspects.
Sources reveal today that
the investigation continues...
and the search for
other suspects is by no means over.
Many investigators believe that,
indeed, the mastermind
of the Mullen kidnapping...
may still be at large.
- Whoa!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- We can make it.
- Oh, sh--
- Ohh!
- You cold, honey?
- Yeah. My hands.
- Do you wanna go home?
- I didn´t bring my gloves.
- No. No. No.
You sure? Hey, you´re squinting a
little. ls the sun still bothering you?
- Put these on.
- Yeah.
- l´ll go get your gloves.
- Okay.
You´d better practise.
l´ll be back.
Look at me.
You look good in those, honey.
- Look at my glasses. Can you see?
- Mm-hmm.
Look like your daddy
in those.
Well, David, it´s a little hard
to focus right now. Can it wait?
No? Well, the hell with it, then.
Let him have it. Let it go.
Yeah. Listen, I got Sean waitin´ for me
in the park, so maybe we--
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, l´ll call you back, David.
Call you back.
- Mr Mullen.
- Uh--
- The doorman just called up.
- Mr Shaker wants to see you.
- Yeah, yeah, I´m sorry
to show up like this.
Oh, hell, no. Come in.
l-l wanna talk to you.
- Thanks.
- Come in. Come in. How´s the shoulder?