Ahh, you know. l´ll live.
Yeah. Well, I´m surprised
to see you up and about so quick.
- Uh, uh, Fatima,
this is, uh, Jimmy Shaker.
- Hi.
I´m very proud to meet you.
- Very proud.
- Thanks.
How´s the, uh, kid doin´?
Oh, he´s fine, you know,
all things considered.
- lt´ll take a while.
- Yeah.
Um, uh, forgive me.
l, uh, I thought
we were gonna meet on Monday.
M-Maybe I screwed up. I don´t-- l--
Uh, yeah, uh, you´re right.
Monday. We-- That´s what we said, uh--
See the special officer
holding 4-5-9--
Look, I don´t want you to get
the wrong impression of me here...
but I was hopin´
we could do this today.
- You know, the reward and all?
- Oh. Of course. Oh, Jesus.
- ´Cause I gotta tell ya...
it´s, uh, kinda crazy
around me, you know,
with the, the press and everything.
Oh, I understand. Yeah.
Look, they´re maniacs.
- Yeah.
- Nothin´ easier. Follow me.
I´m not used to this, you know.
l-- I just gotta get outta here.
Kind of a private person,
you know.
To tell you the truth,
l never killed anybody before.
Havin´ a hard time with it.
Yeah, well, I´m sorry.
Uh, I´m glad you did
what you did.
But I´m sorry.
- Sit down, please.
- Thanks.
Uh, so, is it, uh--
is it Jimmy? James?
James´ll do.
- Can I ask you a personal question?
- Sure.
Why didn´t you pay the ransom?