Okay? And if that happens...
from this day on...
any time your kid leaves
this house to go to school...
go play, see a friend...
to buy a fuckin´ comic book,
you´re gonna have to ask yourself:
ls today...
Jimmy Shaker day?
I got to him once.
l´ll get him again.
And when I do...
I´m not gonna want money any more.
Do we understand each other?
That´s from Maris.
Call the airport.
Where are we goin´?
Mexico. Guadalajara.
David, this is Tom. Uh, fuel up the jet.
I´m going to Guadalajara.
Yeah, well, something came up.
I´m on my way to the bank now.
- ls the kidnapper with you?
- Absolutely.
l´ll explain everything later.
Give Katie a call. Bye.
Antone, get me the Mullen house.
Sean, what´s the matter, honey?
Come here.
Taxi! Taxi!
Stay on my right.