One, two, and a third...
..in your bosom.
The very butcher of a silk button.
A duellist.
A duellist! A gentleman
of the very first house,...
..of the first and second cause.
The immortal passado!
The punto reverso!
The, um... hai!
- The what?
Here comes Romeo.
Ho-ho, taffeta punk!
Signor Romeo, bonjour!
There's a French salutation
to your French slop.
You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night.
Good morrow to you both.
What counterfeit did I give you?
The slip, sir, the slip.
Can you not conceive?
Pardon, good Mercutio.
My business was great...
..and in such a case as mine
a man may strain courtesy.
That's as much as to say,...
..such a case as yours
constrains a man to bow in the hams!
- Meaning to curtsy?
- Thou hast most kindly hit it.
- A most courteous exposition.
- Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.
- Pink for flower?
- Right.
Why, then is my pump well flowered!
O sure wit!
Now art thou sociable. Now art thou Romeo!
Now art thou what thou art,
by art as well as by nature!
Here's goodly gear!
God ye good e'en, fair gentlewoman.
I desire some confidence with you.
Ooh! A bawd!
A bawd, a bawd, a bawd!
So ho! So ho!
So ho! So ho!
Will you come to your father's?
We'll to dinner thither.
I will follow you.
Farewell, ancient lady! Farewell!
If ye should lead her
in a fool's paradise, as they say,...