Romeo Juliet

These violent delights...
..have violent ends.
And in their triumph die
like fire and powder...

..which, as they kiss, consume.
The sweetest honey is loathsome
in his own deliciousness.

Therefore love moderately.
Romeo shall thank thee, daughter,
for us both.

I pray thee,
good Mercutio, let's retire!

The day is hot, the Capels are abroad,...
..and if we meet we shall not 'scape a brawl,...
..for now, these hot days,
is the mad blood stirring.

We're the Caps!
Wha... Wha... Wha...
See? Thou art like one of these fellows...
..that, when he enters
the confines of a tavern,...

..claps me his Sword upon the table...
..and says, "God send me no need of thee".
And, by the operation of the second cup,...
..draws him on the drawer,
when indeed there is no need.

- Yeah!
