and we find ourselves
once again...
having to make
a public statement.
Racehorses do not urinate
more frequently...
or at greater length
than non-racing horses...
or, for that matter,
any mammal of comparable size.
This organized,
publicly-sanctioned slander must stop.
Lester Richards is dead...
and aren't you glad
it wasn't you?
Don't you wish
you felt something?
How many men here are attracted
to Shelly, his--his lovely wife?
She's a babe.
And how many women here wish that
their husbands would drop dead...
and leave them
a big, fat insurance policy?
Yes, I thought so.
Hell, it'll be years before you figure out
what Lester's death really means.
So let's forget the blah-blah-blah
and go have a drink. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Eccentric money.
- Mmm, nose army.
Pacifist cottage.
- Belgian disregard?
- Aw, genius kidney.
Dine, dining, death rattle,
monkey callousness.
Smell sign.
Smell sign.
- Now?
- No. Not now.
- But soon.
- Yeah, soon.
Everybody thinks I'm the mole.
And those people that don't think
I'm the mole, they think I'm the spy.
I gotta find out who it really is
so people will stop thinking that.