Excuse me, Mr. Oxygen.
- Hi.
- Hi. Oh, you two guys are from the--
- How are you?
- Can we have a word with you?
- Sure, sure.
- We can't help but notice that
you're a fascinating character.
- Very compelling.
- More fascinating than the things
you're being given to do.
- Spraying houses.
- Taking pictures of yourself.
- Driving around.
- We think you're in need of another venue.
- In which you are the main attraction.
- And paid accordingly.
Oh, oh, you see,
well, we haven't done...
the bulk of my stuff yet,
and we're gonna do that next week.
- Uh-huh. Why don't you know
what you'll be doing exactly?
- Right.
- If you're such an integral part.
- What guarantee do you have?
Oh, these guys are my friends.
I've worked with them before.
This is not our first project,
and they told me...
so l-- I trust
what they tell me.
- Trust.
- Friends. Hmm.
What are you-- What are you offering?
- A vehicle.
- A showcase.
A shortcut.
Okay, okay, I'm in.
Fuck you guys!
No more of this mayonnaise, this shit!
I'm outta here!
Fuck you.
Anything that can be imagined
is legitimate.
Any action that is contemplated
can be taken.
Eventualism isn't designed
to answer all questions.
It's designed
to question all answers.
It's not about healing pain.
It's about the pain of healing.
It's not about the struggle of--
Your car dealer on line one.
My car--
Listen. This is the last time I'm taking
one of these calls. Do you understand me?