
Oh, is this the one
on the 11 th?

And you said
he's having a hard time?

Uh, I don't know.
It's-- I guess so.

He comes in every night
with this, uh...

"Honey, I'm home" face.
And he pretends
to like my cooking...

which I know
I'm a shitty cook.

So, after supper,
I try to get him to talk, and...

he's so preoccupied
that he doesn't hear what I say.

So he doesn't want to talk.
He doesn't wanna fuck.
So I come here.
I better go. Oh.
We never watched this.
Well, bring it next time,
and we'll look at it.

Wh-Why don't you leave?
I'd like to get dressed first.
No. I mean,
why don't you leave him?

Oh. Oh. Uh, okay.
Then what?

Well, then we could--
- I mean, I could--
- Listen to you.

- Like you know what you want?
- Well, I know I want you.

I have all this money put away
that's just sitting there.

Will you think about it?
Okay. I'll think about it.
So, are you going to
Madam Rosa's tomorrow?
