Oh, that's great.
- Um, before you do that,
- Mm-hmm?
I need to
tell you something.
- What?
- Um...
- today at work,
- Mm-hmm.
l-- I met this person.
- "This person"?
- Yeah.
Is it a male
or female?
- It was a woman person.
- Uh-huh.
And, um,
something happened.
- What happened?
- Well, something happened for me.
I don't think that
anything happened for her necessarily...
but something happened for me--
this feeling.
- Mm-hmm.
- Like this kind of falling for someone feeling.
Falling like you
fell for me feeling?
with us it was more, I think,
of an incline than a fall.
It wasn't like--
You know what I mean?
- So--
- The result was the same, but it wasn't a fall.
It was a slide.
But this was a fall,
I think.
So, I thought I should
say something about it before--
- "Before."
- You know.
Are you--
Are you leaving?
Don't talk to me,
you worm.
There was a time--
There was a time
when I felt like an old rag...
with a stain that
you couldn't get out.
And you were like--
You were like a piece
of rotting fruit on a windowsill.
And it was great.