- We'll find him.
- Dewey, they got that mask in.
I'll be right back.
Let me ask you this. What're you doin'
with a cellular telephone, son?
Everybody's got one, Sheriff.
I didn't make those calls, I swear.
Check the phone bill,
for Christ's sake.
Call Vital Phone Comp. They got
the records of every number dialed.
Thanks, Hank.
We're on top of it.
What were you doing over
at Sidney's house tonight?
I wanted to see her, that's all.
And last night? Sidney said you crawled
through her window last night too.
You went out last night?
I was watching TV. I got bored.
I decided to go for a ride.
Did you happen to ride by
Casey Becker's house?
No, I didn't. Sheriff,
I didn't kill anybody!
We're gonna have to hold you, son,
'til we get those phone records.
That's crazy.
You know that?
I didn't do it.
Camera Two? Okay.
Are there anymore
doughnuts in there?
- Move it, Kenny.
- They're not lettin' anybody in.
- I'm not just anyone.
- Bitch goddess.
- Kenny, are we on?
- Yeah, go.
Hi, Gale Weathers reporting live
from Woodsboro police station...
where we hope to get a glimpse
of Sidney Prescott.
- Hey, watch it, lady.
- Hey, watch the hand! Do you
know who you're dealing with?
Tell 'em.
Come on, Dad. Tell 'em!
- He's waiting for the lawyer, Billy.
- Sidney!
Sidney, come on.
You know me.
Sidney, look at me!
Come on!