Jesus, this place
is packed tonight, man.
- We had a run
in the mass murder section.
- Comin' to my fiesta?
Yeah, I'm off early.
Curfew, you know.
What's that werewolf movie
with E.T.'s mom in it?
- "The Howling."
Horror. Straight ahead.
- Okay, thanks.
- Oh, now that's in poor taste.
- What?
If you were the only suspect
in a senseless bloodbath...
would you be standing
in the horror section?
What? It was just a misunderstanding.
He didn't do anything.
You're such a little lapdog.
- He's got "killer" printed
all over his forehead.
- Ohhh-kay!
Really? Well, why'd the cops
let him go, smart guy?
Obviously they don't
watch enough movies. This is
standard horror movie stuff.
- "Prom Night" revisited, man.
- Yeah? Why would he wanna
kill his own girlfriend?
There's always some stupid,
bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend.
- Oh?
- That's the beauty of it all:
Besides, if it gets too complicated,
you lose your target audience.
Well, what's his reason?
Maybe Sidney
wouldn't have sex with him.
- What, is she
savin' herself for you?
- Maybe.
Now that Billy tried to mutilate her,
do you think Sid would go out with me?
No, I don't at all. No.
You know who I think it is?
You know, I think it's her father.
Why can't they find her pops, man?
Because he's probably dead.
His body will come poppin' up
in the last reel somewhere!
Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off,
teeth knocked out!
- The police are always
off track with this shit.
- Man!
If they'd watch "Prom Night,"
they'd save time.
There's a formula to it.
A very simple formula!
Everybody's a suspect!
I'm telling you, the dad's
a red herring. It's Billy.