- We just saw Green.
- We saw bullshit!
You know as well as l do that
they can send us anything they want.
- That kid doesn"t know policy.
- Get your head out of the lilacs.
Do you expect me to believe
that we"re being dumped?
That our 20-year stand here has
turned into a galactic gold rush?
They keep sending us provisions.
Will they let us die up here while
they carry on running the universe?
- l don"t buy it.
- Wake up, man!
We are betrayed here, brother.
We are beached.
Green"s been shit-canned
and this whole place is a lie!
They just can"t
cut us off up here.
Families on Earth would raise hell.
And they won"t take us back there.
lf we sound off about this, nobody"s
going to fight their war for them.
They"re just going to let us
roll on and on up here.
We ain"t ever getting off here.
Marshall Cooper and
his NEB Command knows it, too!
He sent us a map.
Your solitary NEB grunt
got his ass shot to stop this thing.
They know it"s pointless now.
- Where are you going?
- l"m going to NEB Command.
We"ll make our own peace right here.
NEB said they wanted two men.