
The civilians got in the way.
The bombs were aimed at us.

You just don"t have a clue about
what brought you here, do you?

You"d fight for any son of a bitch
if he convinced you you were right.

- Someone convinced you.
- Not someone, something.

The Alliance was formed
to support you.

You"re right, Jefferson. And it
divided my country and my world.


So as much as you"re dying
to get shot by some NEB soldier, -

- we"re going to make peace
with these people, you and me.

We"re going to rip you off
of that experience.


Look at this place.

l came here 20 years ago
to mine berynium for the NEB.

We were all NEBs then.
The scientists found radiation
and shut down the mines.

The NEB Corporation threatened them,
and there was a stand-off for years.

They they started to rain everything
down on us.

Nuclear disc bombs, chain bombs,
bacteria crystals.

Civilian survivors were evacuated.
We retreated to the bunker.

- How did you fight back?
- We reinvented an early weapon.


- The sword?
- The autonomous mobile sword.


The screamer.

Save it.

They don"t eat rats, do they?
