That kid, he was like a person.
How did he know what to say?
You think Santa
makes them his little elves?
They"ve got more brains than you.
Fighting won"t solve our problems.
One of those kids tagged my patrol.
We took him into our bunker.
- Nobody got out.
- Except you.
- What"s that supposed to mean?
- You figure it out.
You guys brought them here.
Only after the bombing started.
But now they don"t care what uniform
is covering your ass.
- Neither do l.
- Slow down, soldier.
- Neither do l.
- Slow down, soldier.
Would you mind
taking that outside?
Stray bullets
are bad for the inventory.
lt"s worth a lot more
when it ain"t all shot to . . . shit.
l"m letting you stay here out of
the kindness of my heart, Becker.
So follow the ground rules.
First, no gunplay inside.
Second, this is my place,
and nobody touches anything.
Real Scotch, not synthetic shit.
No spitting.
Spare a cigarette?
Well, gentlemen . . .