
Live it up.

l haven"t had an American cigarette
in over a year.

There"s plenty back at base,
but l forgot to bring them.

- You got the last one.
- Very generous of you.


What is this place, a commissary?
There hasn"t been a commissary here
in over two years.

Not since those blades arrived.
- Are you a freelancer?
- Right. Black market, Commander . . .

Hendricksson, Joseph. San Francisco.

Jessica Hanson, Pittsburgh.
How do you do?

- lt"s early in the day for that.
- Yeah.


l"m looking for Marshall Cooper,
Fifth NEB Army.

He"d be in the command bunker,
if there still is one.


What about
your communication satellites?

lf they"re still working,
they"d be in there, too.

What do you mean by that?
You have no idea
of the hell you opened up.

We opened up? Just tell me
where the command bunker is.

You wouldn"t last ten yards
out there without me.

- Have you seen it?
- l heard it.

- Hordes of them.
- What hordes?

Davids. l heard them
screaming into the bunker above us.
