
Who am I, Tony?
Who knows, Tony? I don't know.

So, ah!
I'm David. I'm David, Tony.
How does it sound?

Hi, David.
How can SyIvia heIp?

SyIvia. Is it SyIvia?
SyIvia! Hi, SyIvia!

PIeased to meet you,
SyIvia! Oh!

Schubert, wasn't it?

He said, ''Who is SyIvia?
What is she?''

What--what can we
do for you, David?

Do for me? Do for me?
What? Oh, I--oh, I--

I got to stop taIking.
It's a probIem, isn't it?

No, no, no.
It's aII right.

Just teII SyIvia
why you're here.

Oh, weII, uh,
it's a mystery--

Are you Iost?
Am I Iost?
Perhaps that's it.
Perhaps I'm Iost.

How does that sound?
How does that sound?

Is that
your piano, SyIvia?

BeautifuI SyIvia.
Isn't SyIvia beautifuI, Toby?

Not Toby.
Tony. Tony. Tony.

You're beautifuI, too, Tony.
Perhaps I couId pIay it.
CouId I pIay it?
CouId I pIay it?

You say. You say.
Like heII, baby.
Go on.

Shut up, Sam.
HeII, baby.
Whoa, whoa! The deviI.

DiabIerie. Whoa, Sam...
Get out of here!
Go on!

SyIvia, SyIvia,
SyIvia, SyIvia...

You just teII us who you are
and where you Iive.

CouId I--couId I pIay?
Live--Iive--Iive, SyIvia.
Live and Iet Iive.
That's very important, isn't it?

MoIto, moIto.
But then again,
it's a IifeIong struggIe,

isn't it, SyIvia?
Tony, Tony, Tony.
SyIvia. To--to survive.

To Iive. To survive.
To survive undamaged...

and not to destroy any Iiving,
breathing creature.

I mean, the point is,
if you do something wrong,

you're going to be punished
for the rest of your Iife.

So I think it's
a IifeIong struggIe.

Is it a IifeIong struggIe?
Whatever you do, I think
it's a struggIe, a struggIe,

a struggIe to keep
your head above water...

and not get it chopped off.
I'm not disappointing you, am I,
SyIvia? Tony?

Tony, SyIvia, Sam, yes, Sam!
HeIIo, Sam!

Get off!
What a name!

Sorry, SyIvia.
I sound Iike a donkey.

''With the heIp of God.''

That's what it means.
You see, Daddy's daddy
was reIigious.

Very reIigious.
Ve-very strict.
And a bit of a meanie.

But he got exterminated,
didn't he?

So God didn't heIp him.
That's not very funny.
It's very sad reaIIy.

I'm caIIous, Daddy said.

And a bit of a meanie.
Sorry, SyIvia,
I'm not damaging you.

I mustn't damage SyIvia.
The point is, the point is,
perhaps I haven't got a souI.
