How do you do?
Katharine Prichard.
You pIay beautifuIIy.
Thank you.
My name's Sonia.
I-I'm David.
I know who you are.
You've got the most
wonderfuI hands.
So do you.
So, um, are you--
You're going to America?
That's right. Yeah.
Maybe one day you'II--
you'II go to Russia, too.
Why not?
I'm here.
There's someone important
who wants to meet you.
I'd better go.
I've never met anyone...
who pIays the piano
as beautifuIIy as you, David.
I've never met a writer before,
Mrs. Prichard.
You must be very proud
of him.
As proud
as a father can be.
I have a Iong-suffering
oId piano at home.
Suffering piano.
From negIect.
Perhaps you'II come
and pIay it for me one day.
Yes. Anything to heIp.
I'd Iike that very much.
Me, too.