I've seen enough
to suggest...
that he can make the finaIs
in the concerto triaIs.
What have you seen,
Moments of genius.
Come on, David.
BoIdness of attack.
The deviI, David.
Mustn't break the piano.
Liszt broke
pIenty of strings.
Right. Right.
Come on.
FiII in for this
useIess arm of mine.
The notes first.
The interpretation
comes on top of them.
On top, yes. Yes.
You agree, do you?
Oh, yes. I aIways agree,
Is that wise?
I--I don't know.
Is it?
Don't forget.
It's on the page.
Yes. WeII, the...the notes
are on the page,
but, uh, not the feeIing,
the emotion.
That's what I feeI.
You mustn't sacrifice
everything to emotion.
It's aII a question
of baIance.
Ah, yes. Is that the question,
Ah. I thought so.
That's what I thought.
Mr. HeIfgott!
Your aIIowance check!
Thank you, Mr. Right.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
I'II just stand stiII
if you Iike.
Be carefuI, David.