Someone here
to see you, David.
It's me, David.
Do we know Suzie?
Your sister, David.
Oh, sister Suzie,
sister Suzie.
Thank you, Sister.
Sister Nurse. Sister Suzie.
David, I won't be abIe
to come and visit so often.
Not--not so often,
sweet--sweet, soft Suzie.
Not so often.
I'm going to Iive
in MeIbourne.
Oh, that's a trick.
Don't teII Daddy.
The miIk--the miIk--mustn't cry
over spiIt miIk.
Oh, weII, what can you do,
Margaret? What can you do?
Margaret's in IsraeI,
I remember Margaret.
She caIIed me dopey.
Or was it a pig?
It was the poodIe.
It was the poodIe.
It was the poodIe.
It was aII very
compIicated, wasn't it?
CompIicato in IsraeI.
It was--it was
a battIeground.
War zone.
It was a war zone.
It was such a bore,
it was such a bore.
It was aIways a war.
It was aII--
it just destroys everything,
reaIIy, doesn't it?