Hope you like these.
You better not tell me
you don't.
Father Bobby didn't let
that situation rest.
I gave on Sunday.
I'm in a rush, OK?
John Reilly.
Little punk.
He got out of line,
so I put him back in line.
You put him in the hospital.
He's alive, ain't he?
Look, if he's smart,
he learned himself a lesson.
What are you, about 220? 230?
You're a big guy.
How much you think
John Reilly weighs?
80? 85?
That's not even a featherweight.
If this were a fight,
you'd be
way out of your division.
Look, it was a slap.
It was nothing.
Well, next time,
you'll be meeting me.
And I may not be
in your division,
but I do weigh
more than 85 pounds,
and you won't need
a doctor when I'm done.
You'll need a priest...
to pray over your body.
See you in church.
Father Bobby would've
made a good hitman.
It's a shame we lost him
to the other side.
We were down 7-6
in the last inning of
a sewer-to-sewer stickball game
against Hector Maldonado
and three of his friends.
Come on, baby,
strike this chump out!
He got nothing!
Shut up!
Who's that?
His sister.
What happened to her?
I'm not sure.
Some kind of cancer
got in her legs or something.
Worry about the game. Come on.
Come on, baby,
strike this scum bag out!
He can't touch it, baby,
he can't touch it.
While you don't got legs,
you got a lot of tongue!
This is it. Home run.
Oh, easy, Mike.
Yeah, baby!
What the fuck you looking at,
little dick?!
She's nothing but charm.
Come on, baby.
Take him, Mike.
Yeah! I told you
he wasn't shit, baby!
Hey, swallow your tongue,
you little gimp bitch!
Could've helped her
across the street
or bought her an ice-cream,